Christians in Canada are fighting an uphill battle against the full force of government to gather and pray, even when they meet social distancing requirements.
Under Manitoba’s COVID-19 restrictions, houses of worship have been targeted. They cannot lawfully gather, unlike private businesses. That’s why the congregation of Church of God near Steinbach, Manitoba, pivoted to drive-in worship. Christians planned to remain in their vehicles while pastor Tobias Tissen used a microphone, and the congregation tuned in via car radios. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were dispatched to ban Christians from entering the church grounds by blocking the entrance with patrol vehicles.
“You can go back into Winnipeg and go to Walmart, and there’ll be 800 cars in the parking lot, just like there is in Costco, but we can’t go in this parking lot because it’s deadly? What if I put a Walmart sign on that building? Would that make it better?” a congregation member reportedly said.
But pastor Tissen continues to assert the high ground and refuses to bend the knee to Canada’s secular government. The following week, he issued a defiant post on Facebook.
“This worship service will be held in protest of these tyrannical edicts,” the pastor posted.
Unlike the RCMP’s scandalous action the previous week, officers were not forced to break up the drive-in service. Instead, government officials issued a $6,000 fine.
“Public health is to allow humans to be human. We are not virtual beings. We are human beings. We are not cattle that we need to be fenced in and controlled,” pastor Tissen reportedly said. “We are in devotion to Almighty God. We are here to serve the Lord. This is our conviction. God has commanded us in the Bible that we should gather together. If we ever needed to pull together as humanity, for the right cause, it is now.”
Secular politicians in the U.S. attempted to ban religious worship until President Donald Trump and Republican governors designated the practice essential. In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened people of faith and tried to effectively shutter churches and synagogues. Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down their tyrannical mandates because Americans have a constitutional right to religious freedom.
Although Canadians are supposed to enjoy the same religious rights, the growing secular forces in government trampled the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Human Rights Act.
An open letter penned by Senior Pastor Henry Hildebrandt reportedly states, “the Bible teaches Christians to be good citizens and obey the reasonable demands of our government.” However, it does not “teach blind obedience to the authorities when onerous restrictions are placed on our freedoms.”
Authorities have repeatedly tried to mask their attack on Christianity under the disguise of public health risks. If that were true, no one in Canada would be allowed to sit in a car. It’s abundantly clear the Canadian government is taking advantage of the pandemic to wage war on God, and people of faith in the name of COVID-19.
Well that is what comes of having a trendy, wokeness loving P.M. I would hazzard a guess that if it was an other church there would be no problem.
No God(s) ever existed… but this ‘pandemic’ is also FAKE…
ALL religions are evil FOREIGN psychotic mass murderous mental illness and an ADDICTION to being LIED TO, an ENFORCED PSYCHOSIS, and WRITTEN ORDERS from their BuyBulls for their customers to automatically instantly HATE, HURT, and MASS MURDER EVERYONE on the planet not of the exact same religion !!! .. i.e. Armageddon, Left Behind movies, Story of Noah’s Ark, Holocaust, 9/11, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Oklahoma City Bombing, Sandy Hook School, Las Vegas mass murdering, Somalia Bombing, Florida School Murdering, etc…
But nearly 200 million killed under atheistic Communism, no problem, eh, bigot?
Good one, Willie T.
well you sure showed your ignorance. By your own admission showed that the reason hell is a final i told you so for people like you, ( if you don’t change your views. Your statement is an admission of your ungodly life and you probably infect people you know with your deadly ignorance is a shame to the human race. When you come to that day and final breath I pray you will have come to the truth and accepted the one who died for you and rose again so you could have life and have it more abundantly. It is the only way to receive the true peace and fulfillment you so desperately need.
Prove God doesn’t exist
Buzz Waldron, you are delusional idiot
Seldom has anyone ever spewed so much hatred of Christians as you have in your post! You are obviously an atheist, and it is blindingly evident. I thank God and the Constitution of the United States that we are guaranteed freedom of religion and assembly in our country.
May the One True God have Mercy on your soul, Buzz. I’m very sorry to inform you of this but you are sadly misinformed about Christians. Have all Christians been the pinnacle of love and peace, no. We’re not in any way superior to others. That’s a very false notion. We are sinners just like the rest of the human race, but the difference is we KNOW we’re sinners and so we seek Spiritual Healing. In this manner we are enlightened. Personally, I may disagree with someone, but I don’t hate them. Yes, the Roman Catholic Church went a little nuts by way of the Inquisition and that the French Catholic Church also sought to murder those of their fellow Christians who had opted to follow the Protestant church. That was not only wrong, but horrifying. My 8th great-grandfather fled France once the Edict of Nantes was rescinded.
Please realize, too, that Hollywood also despises those who follow Christianity. Yes, God gave us the Ten Commandments, but He also gave us FREE WILL, and those who choose to turn their backs on His teachings, such as Hollywood are much like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum because they were told they did something wrong. Hollywood has gone over the edge. Some of the movies listed are riddled with facts twisted to present their narrative.
Pull you’re head out of what Hollywood presents and read the Bible for yourself . Learn what God is asking of you. You might just find the Peace you seek.
As for the other incidents, those were committed by people who hate God. Hitler, the one who committed the Holocaust, hated the Jewish people. Jim Jones and David Koresh were mentally ill and likened themselves to be Gods. The Oklahoma City Bombing were committed by young Marxists. The other tragedies you listed happened at the hands of Sick individuals having little or nothing to do with God.
Blessings upon you.
Ms. Payne, VERY GOOD. It fills my spirit just to hear someone speak up for God and against the wrong, the evil and the misinformed. You were right on with all your statements.
Buzz, I guess you stole your name from the Astronaut that quoted from the Bible to the whole world while he was on the Moon, But I can’t figure out why you are so animated over something that you believe does not exist? Could it be that you are trying to make it “not so” by your hateful outburst? I pray for you that the Lord will open your eyes and I will see you in Heaven after you repent and receive Jesus for who he is your savior and the Savior of the World!
You frighten me, Mr. Waldron.
God bless you Buzz. Despite what you say I have to believe in the God of the Bible because of the evidence . Please look for that evidence. The easiest thing to do may be to ask God simply in prayer to show you if He exists. If He didn’t exist you’d be unable to explain how we got here.
I love you and God loves you. His kind representative says, and it’s reported in the world’s constant best selling, Bible, ” He that comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those that seek after Him. ” Ask and it shall be given to you.”
Something tells me you’re famous Buzz, an astronaut perhaps. I have a photo I got in Sweden produced by the Russian Communists. It shows an astronaut looking for God and saying in Russian.. “There is no God.”
Hey Psycho liberal< The only problem with your theory, if we can even call it that, is, that none of these people are being forced to believe what ever they believe. You are perfect proof that Liberal progressives are anything but progressive or liberal and are indeed a bunch of throw backs to the age of the Nazi's. when everything you do not believe in or agree with is not to be tolerated or excepted because it does not ho along with your apathic view point, which will only lead to the submission of everyone who does not go along with your warped point of view.
The real Bible does stories of God being displeased with people in the Old Testament. This is after they stop listening to Him. In the New Testament , God sent His son . Jesus, who knew that His sacrifice of life , was to give us a second chance to be with God. We disobeyed and can’t have forgiveness without a just offering. Jesus did that for us. All that stuff that happened was wrong . God gave us a choice. When people use God’s laws that way , it’s for their gain, not His.
Gather together anyway. God s law is above man’s and government law.
Try voting them out come the next election. That may be difficult knowing what we do about honest elections.
Try voting them out at the next election. That may be difficult knowing what we do about honest elections.
All Christians should defy these leftists orders and gather together and worship our God
Do unto others as u want others to do unto you.
What did Jesus do when He was nailed to the cross. He said “forgive them Father for they know not what they are doing”.
He could have called 10 thousand Angel’s yo destroy the world and set Him free.
“are we to obey man, or GOD?” the “church” needs a good backbone today. STAND, like in Ephesians
They should but will they , that really is the ??? Now days .if you don’t conform to their
needs or wants , we will get rewarded by GOD . But hated by mankindi . Interesting , go for it ,GODs is a better choice .Forrest from the USA we all sti have a choice .
Very valid points, I am sickened by how we Christians have been treated since the beginning of this pandemic, it is flat out persecution. We need to take a stand for being treated fairly and equitably, otherwise, we will fall for anything. Of course, Jesus did tell us, in this world we will have troubles, but added take courage, I, Jesus have overcome the world. We are a peculiar people, rejected by the world…but our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus and His righteousness… JESUS PLUS NOTHING EQUALS EVERYTHING!!
“Do not be surprised that they hate you, they hated me first.”___________Jesus.
Don’t bend and knee to nobody except God your father the son and the holy ghost. Praise God for your Faith, strength , courage . Everybody that reads this and is a God fearing christian should stop and pray and bind this evil in high places , wickedness, principalities evil rulers in the name of Jesus Christ. Loose faith supernatural wisdom ,knowledge and discernment God’s protection Joyce hope love and happiness over every Christian in Canada, United States and every other continents. It’s time to stand up for what we believe. Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. It’s time to take back this country. Christians in the United States we are one nation under God. Time to get God that in our homes and our schools. Do away with abortions and everything that is offensive to God.
I say amen. Praise be to God, our Heavenly Father. Just to know when we leave this world, our home will be forever with our Heavenly Father and we can forever worship him. Oh! What a thought of Glory Devine. This is just the thoughts that came to my mind, while reading your
Letter. I thank you because it blessed me so much in what you said. You see my husband passed away five years ago and this time of the year is hard for me because i miss him with all my heart. Seven days after his passing it was discovered that I had a massive brain tumor and it had to be removed immediately. My chances of recovery were not good at all, this is what the surgeons told my children, grandchildren, and family. I was never afraid for one reason I was not thinking, like I should have been because the tumor kept the fear away. QPrayer went out at churches over the medium size city we live in. I had already made up my mind that I could go and be with my husband and that would be okay with me because for almost sixty years he was the love of my life,
But that was selfish of me because of my children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and family because they loved me too. God had other plans for me.My surgeons call me a miracle and I call them “my Hero. I did not have the intentions of writing all of this but it’s my testimony. The Doctor were thinking it might leave me with not being the person I was. And they were right I am different in a better way. It left me to know I am a miracle, and last but not least I am a child
Of God and I am here to do his will. I will forever miss my husband and someday I will see him again. God is so good and he loves me like a father and with all of my heart I love him. God has taken care of me, he never leaves my side. I am here to do his will through good and bad days. It’s not all about me at all. It’s about Love of family , friends, and people I don’t even know. For those of you who do not know him, he knows you and he loves you and he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to give us life ever after. There no greater love than that. I love all of you as well., And as the song goes he is waiting and saying COME HOME’.
If only. Why don’t we? Why do Christians hold back from getting together and really make a concerted effort to bring forth a change in the heart of this country? Why do we watch the Ritz Cracker commercial of a group of gay men “make” their own family. Why are we watching Hallmark Christmas love stories where it will focus on gay, lesbian and transgender couples? Why do we allow “Cuties”, a movie that sexualizes pre-teen girls in dance, on Netflix? Why do we tolerate all the sin that we see, and know our children are being taught, that right is wrong and wrong is right? Why don’t Christians mobilize like BLM or Antifa or Chaz or Chop, or NAACP, Black Panthers, BETV or even black only colleges and the Democrats? Christ got angry-we can get angry, only difference is Christ did something about it, we don’t. When will we or will we ever? I believe America is a land chosen by God, but He must be the heart of the country-the entire country.
only a fool would voluntarily send their children to be brainwashed by socialist in the gov’t. school system
That is so true! Teachers and professors are indoctrinating our kids to be socialists and communists!
Sorry, Canada but Christians will NEVER eat the king’s meat. We will gladly take our divine inheritance than live a life of tyranny.
May God bless and keep you all through this trying time,and he does see all,justice will be served,and we are the winners. Keep fighting and trusting our. Father. Praying for you from U.S.
coming to america USA under a biden demoncrap admin
That is correct! Biden is the most corrupt, but the powers that are behind him are even more corrupt.
This entire pandemic ( in my opinion) and the Democratic agenda was all orchestrated by Soros and Obama. They get Biden nominated for the Democratic party, then they convince Biden that he needs Harris as his VP. Our mainstream news networks have all been lying, cheating for the last 4 years. This is what the American people are all about! The fraud that the networks have been selling to them has been nothing but lies and garbage for the last four years and they fell for it!
Then they try to get Vote By Mail, ( fraud is much easier ) installed, which has proven a real chaos!
Then they cheat by having illegal, dead people and people who don’t live in that county or state voting in two places.
Yes the entire Democratic Party, from Pelosi, Nadler, Adam Schiff, Schumer, Hillary and Bill Clinton, George Bush, Omar and her Squad, and the rest of the Swamp is nothing but a real scam to to install the Communists Party in our country and our American voters were just too stupid to see it all unfold!
The chinese are running things now,thanks to the democrate deep state.they control the stock market,state dept. Intelligenc system, dept.of treasury, dept. Of commerce, us trade n us. Judicial systems. We the people no longer run our country. Thanks to democrates . canada is next.
That is correct! Hunter Biden and Joe Biden have been bought and paid for by the Chinese, as well ad Marc Kelly, our astronaut, Bill Gates and Melinda Gates and I am sure there are many in the Hollywood crowd who have had a hand in this very bad fiasco!
Although I am not a Christian, I support the right of EVERYONE to practice their own religion. This is beginning to sound like Nazi Germany.
That is correct, It is the same as Nazi politics and it will not be getting better, unless the courts step in and put Trump back in the White House! He was our only chance against Socialism/communism.
I put nothing past our Democratic elected officials, and some of the Republican’s who are turncoats, like John McCain and his family, Mitt Romney and i am sure there are others who have not come to the surface yet!
Continued…our great president Trump knew what was going on. He stepped up to try to give our country back. He has fought like a wariour for us. He did not lose this election. It was stolen. By who? deep state n china. They hate Trump. China is fixing to de..value our dollar. One money
Hedy Orr, that is correct. Trump has fought like a warrior for our country and its’ citizens and I hope that it is not in vain.
Attacking the Christians but no attacks against the Muslims, who are also saying the hell with distancing and mask when worshiping. Time to stop turning the other check and fight back.
In my opinion there is going to be a civil war in this country! People are fed up with Democratic politicians who let BLM, Muslims, and corrupt politicians like Sharpton, Harris, Biden, Obama, Clintons and the rest of the Swamp run amuck!
The Democrats want to turn America into Canada a declining nothing of a socialist nation.
I agree with all of you except Buzz! I cannot imagine a country run by Biden/Harris; 2 of the most socialistic and progressive Demonrats in politics! (I don’t say the word Democratic because they aren’t)! Biden won by cheating. He has said he will raise taxes by $4 trillion; (during a pandemic when people are starving and losing their homes) and open our borders to 11 million immigrants, immediately! Guess who will be paying for their benefits??? One guess! They will bring diseases as well! I heard 17 border guards died from Covid because of their contact will illegals!! Of course the Dems love the idea of more immigrants coming into our country because it means more votes for them! It’s all about power and control to them! The more power they have over us the more they like it! They want to remove God from everything. I believe Christians will be persecuted under Biden. He says he’s a Catholic yet is pro-choice. You are correct: We need to fight….stand up to this tyranny before it’s too late! President Trump won the election and deserved to win. He is our hero. He cares about this country and we care about him! Let’s all pray that God works a miracle for our country and President Trump is victorious! The Left will rise up against us because they hate Trump and they hate to lose but there are more of us! If Trump can fight for us, we can fight for him!! If they pack the courts we will never be free again.
it is easy to see four years into the future under demoncrats. their model is california. they claim they don’t have money to pay the bills but extend “benefits” like healthcare and welfare to illegal immigrants. in effect they are paying for illegal votes. they have all kinds of bat-sh.. crazy things going on like the train to nowhere, but shut down power plants and stopped forest management. now they have rolling black-outs and fires they cannot control. nationally, they will vastly increase the population of the US by importing free labor. they will double the price of fuel by the green raw deal and the paris unilateral accord. they seek to enrich their cronies and keep everyone else in poverty. skeletor (AKA biden) is bought and paid for by the chinese, as are a bunch of politicians in california. NOT MY PRESIDENT. RESIST.
We appear to be living in an age where Satan is having a field day. Jesus is coming again soon !! Satan knows this so he wants as many people as possible. We as Christians have our eternity secure in heaven (and the new earth). They will have an eternity of fire and brimstone…never to get out. We need to do His will while we have the time so He can say to us “Well done !”. Expect persecutions along the way, but stay the course…He gave His life for us..we need to serve and trust Him !!
I despise this person for the way he is treating his people. He should be removed in a most brutal fashion asap. Plus the idea that he would even entertsin the idea of inviting military from ch in a to be on Canadian soil. He is an obvious ds criminal.
What do you expect from a leader who does black face one hand and goes to BLM protest even though the RCMP are payed to serve him. This Justin isn’t fooling anyone then imposes decrees without parliament like a medieval king counter acting the British North America act BNA act his father received in London England in 1982. Laws are to be passed by parliament not imposed.